Thursday, December 17, 2020

National Regifting Day - December 17, 2009


We've all done it, so don't pretend you haven't. You get a gift from some well-meaning someone -- that someone, though, really doesn't understand you or know what you like, and you end up, frankly, with a useless piece of crap. You smile gamely, put on that slightly over-enthusiastic voice, and thank the giver profusely -- but at the same time you're silently cursing them.

With that in mind,
National Regifting Day was created to allow folks to (somewhat) guiltlessly inflict those gifts -- er, we mean, "give them graciously" -- to someone who can better use them.

This regifting isn't always altruistic and done with the givee's best interests in mind. Sometimes the giver has a case of
schadenfreude and just wants to inflict their victim with the same misery they themselves experienced.

With that in mind, we've once again gone to our Yahoo! colleagues to ask them what were the best -- and worst -- gifts they've ever received. Over the next few days, we'll review those gifts. Some sound really cool, while others... well, let's just say we know what oddly shaped packages we'll be avoiding at the next
department holiday party.

Jessica: The worst gift I ever received was a box of five free CDs from a subscription club -- and the opportunity to pay monthly if I decided I liked them.

Adrianna: The worst gift I ever received was from my grandma when I was in high school. I was delighted to receive a bottle of Tommy Girl cologne for Hanukkah, since it was what I was wishing for the most. But, after showing it to my friends, they pointed out that it was actually a knockoff drugstore brand version. I was so embarrassed and once I tested it out on myself, I noticed that they were right. It didn't smell like Tommy Girl, it smelled like cheap cologne!

Astrid: Best gift: (besides my kids and family...) a
raclette grill that I got when I turned 18. It was totally unexpected, but I used it until I moved to America last year. I gave it away to my sister (who still uses it), because your power system over here is different.

Worst gift: A pair of
sneakers from my husband, which I never liked. I had to wear them for years, so as to not hurt his feelings. I was so happy when they wore out!

Maria: My worst gift ever was an umbrella shaped like
a pencil from my sister-in-law -- she wasn't trying to be funny, either!

My best gift: a pair of gold earrings
from my husband -- the first gift he ever gave me -- I honestly didn't know he had it in him. (Maybe he got a little help?)

When I was 8 (and not living in California), I received a pair of gerbils as a gift. Being the creative child that I was, I named the white one "Snowy" and the black one "Blackie." They escaped from their cage over twenty times during the three years that I had them, but were never caught once by any of our cats.

Happy Holidays!!!

And happy holidays to all of you. We’ll be back tomorrow with more great -- and lousy -- gifts. In the meantime, what were some of your own least and most favorite presents?

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