Sunday, December 6, 2020

A Tasteful Christmas with Liberace - December 6, 2007


Liberace was nothing if not flamboyant. Even in a city like Las Vegas that prides itself on exuberance and overkill, Liberace managed to stand out. 

Twenty years after his death, the master showman can still pack them in -- especially at the holidays. How? The answer is simple. The Liberace Museum -- open 362 days a year in the heart of Sin City -- hosts its annual Christmas celebration beginning this week. 

The gala features enough glitz, glamour, and rhinestones to make even the Grinchiest skeptic surrender -- all in keeping with the spirit of a man who never learned the meaning of the word "subtle." 

Sure, some may long for the "traditional" Dickensian holiday, simple in its decor and spirit, and others may have gone green, sacrificing extravagance in the name of being more Earth-friendly, but there will always be those who follow the example of "Mr. Showmanship" and realize that too much of a good thing -- or anything -- is never enough

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