Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Home Sweet (Gingerbread) Home - December 2, 2008


So there I was at this holiday party, trying to make polite conversation with my co-workers and acquaintances, but I couldn't keep my eyes off the gingerbread house centerpiece. I nibbled some crudités and noshed on some sugar cookies, trying to distract myself, but that sugary sculpture still beckoned. From its spicy frosted gables to its gumdrop landscaping, that constructed confection just begged to be devoured.

I knew it was probably supposed to be merely decorative, but the more I stared -- and the more eggnog I drank -- the sillier that idea seemed. After all, what kind of witch would build such a tempting structure out of cookies and candy and frosting and not expect people to eat it?I surreptitiously edged closer to the table, feigning interest in a mini-quiche, and suddenly made my move, snapping off a delicious turret. Just as I took a surprisingly crunchy bite, my hostess appeared. She was not impressed with my initiative.

And that's how I ended up researching gingerbread house construction online. Lucky for me, lots of culinary architects are happy to share their recipes, blueprints, and even video tutorials for newbies. This year, I'll start small. While I want to create an elaborate replacement house for my disgruntled hostess, I'm not quite ready to build the White House, a gingerbread Hogwarts, or an amusement park.

Next year, though, the sky's the limit.

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