Saturday, February 6, 2021

Don't Forget the Jellied Eels! - February 6. 2008

We here at The Spark have made no secret of our love of food.  From tuna to Twinkies, from lutefisk to fried anything, you name it, we'll eat it. Well, maybe not fruitcake. But on seeing this disturbing product, we had to wonder if even we had our limits.

We're the first to admit that a lot of our distaste for some canned foods is purely cultural: One person's
meat is another person's haggis, after all. But when it comes to things like jellied eels ("traditional" jellied eels, mind you; none of those nouveau eels for us, please), or pork brains in milk gravy, or even vegetarian haggis (really, what's the point?), we just have to draw the line.

Now, we're not saying we want all the world to indulge in, say,
steak frites, or the old standby PB&J. But if the time ever comes when the buffet features nothing but pickled pork lips and huitaloche (also known as "corn smut"), well, that fasting diet will start to look pretty good.

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