Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Sparkaphobia - November 17, 2009


Over the past couple of days, we've asked our fellow Yahoo!s about some of their fears and phobias. Today, we'd like to deal with their superstitions -- and ways to ward off bad luck. Some of us have superstitions, rather than outright fears.

I’m not superstitious, but my wife won't let me put shoes on the bed, and I won't walk under ladders, and will throw spilled salt over my shoulder and knock on wood to ward off anything untoward happening.

Corinne: My mum always says that we shouldn't
open an umbrella in the house, and never celebrate your birthday before the day. But, being French, we always have baguettes on the table -- though you should never place them upside down….

Adam: As a sailor, I have quite a few superstitions: never leave for a voyage on a Friday, never talk about lack of wind, and don't bring
bananas on a boat.

Randall: I obsessively knock on wood. When it came time to buy a wedding ring, I bought one that was made out of wood so that I could "
knock on wood" wherever I am.

Michelle: I'm not generally a superstitious person, but I do believe in jinxing things, especially traffic and baseball. When the Indians are winning or traffic is surprisingly light, any positive comment must be prefaced with, "I'm sure they're about to blow it, but..." or "I know we'll hit a traffic jam soon, but..." Failing to do this guarantees sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic while listening to the Yankees win the World Series.

Liz: I fear that if I mention the possibility of something bad happening, it's more likely to happen. Wait -- forget I said that!

We leave you with a pair of examples of
arachnophobia that are frighteningly similar:

Helene: I am afraid to death of spiders, small or large, hairy or not, and all the more since a "good" friend told me that we swallow three spiders while sleeping each year.

Adrianna: I'm not scared of rats or snakes but I am deathly afraid of
spiders. Even the tiniest spiders scare me, and I make sure when I'm walking to watch out for those sticky spider webs. But from a recent fact I read, I'm never more than ten feet away from a spider. Now that's a frightening thought.

A frightening thought, indeed. Good luck to you all -- knock wood!

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